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Hello,My BlueNRG-2 disconnect automatically during the data transfer for OTA.otherwise (on normal use) the connection is maintain for more than hour. how can i know the disconnection reason of my BlueNRG device ?Or if i is a common problem, how can i...
Hello, i configured FreeRTOS to enter STOP2 mode on idle task, my wakup source are RTC and LPUART. when the mcu is waked up by RTC according to ulExpectedIdleTime, every think is ok but when it is waked up by the LPUART the tick count is not updated ...
Hello,i need to configure the same device as Server, Client and observer simultaneouslyis it right to initialise like this ?//GAP Inituint8_t bluetooth_role = 0;bluetooth_role |= GAP_PERIPHERAL_ROLE;bluetooth_role |= GAP_CENTRAL_ROLE;bluetooth_role |...
Hello,I need to and a FOTA to my application.I will receive the firmware with BLE and store it on M95P32 EEPROM. Then i need to load it on the mcu (STM32WL).I cannot find any example or resources that explain how can i  load a firmware from M95P32 EE...
Hello,I am using the STM32WL55 with the BLUENRG-2N.i need to add the Firmware update OTA capability using the Bluetooth (BLUENRG-2N)the examples of FUOTA for STM32WL are based on LoraWAN protocol ... so it is not what i looking for.Do you have any ex...
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