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Resolved! STEVAL-MKI109V3 DfuSe update issue, no available DFU Device

Hello, I installed the latest driver version Unico 8.0.0. Now my board is shown in the decive manager.Ready to use.. Everything looks good.Now I am trying to update the FW in the STEVAL-MKI109V3 board. First I pressed the BT2 Button and pluged the US...

Generate Interrupt on horizontal rotation using LIS3DH

Hi,I have a jar lid which is equipped with LIS3DH accelerometer. The accelerometer is placed in the PCB such that the top layer of LIS3DH will face the sky in normal position. The jar has a groove for holding the lid and we need to put the lid in th...

IThom.5 by Associate II
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IIS2DLPC Data Rate Accuracy

The actual sampling rates deviate from the published. For example and ODR of 25Hz is actually ~30Hz. Is this typical? We did not notice this on the IIS2DH part. I expected some variance from the desired rate, but is every device going to vary this mu...

iaeinfach by Associate III
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LSM6DS3: Very weird SPI behavior

I'm seeing some very odd behavior on the LSM6DS3. It works "most" of the time, but seems to randomly change its own settings from time to time. Before we get into that, though, I'd like to ask about the timing of INT1 when driven by the DRDY signal.I...

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Hi, All!I'm using LIS3DHTR with range:2G, sensitivity:1mg/digit, HR:1.Now I get the raw value like these:X=-4800 Y=432 Z=15136These value are from the sensor which quietly placed on the table(sensor faced -Z on the table).If I get the "g" value ...fl...

TOMY.OKA by Associate II
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LSM303C gives zero acceleration for z-axis when at rest

Hi,I am trying to read Z-axis acceleration from LSM303C at rest. The device returns 0x41 for who am I register (same as datasheet). But it gives zero values for z-axis acceleration at rest. Attached is my code. Please let me know if there is an issue...

NVell by Associate II
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Regarding the Configuration of the STEVAL MKI175v1(LIS2DE12)

I am using this Accelerometer and in the datasheet it is mentioned that the Bit 4(LPC) in CTRL_REG1 should set for the Proper operation of the Device,but when i set that device the Sensor ,i am not getting any values in that, i want to know ,is it re...

NMuth by Associate II
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