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VL53L1X-SATEL does not work on breadboard

I have VL53L1X-SATEL - Breakout board, I have successfully tested it on Arduino Uno/Mega using Sparkfun's Library ( . Now, when I connect the sensors's I2C lines on breadboard It doesn't wo...

Sensor tile soldering problem

Any known issues with soldering a STLKT01V1 (sensor tile ) to the small carrier board?I did this, and now it does not work (no jtag) it worked prior with large boardI do not want to destroy a 3rd board!

delli by Associate II
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LSM6DSO inclinometer

Hi,I was playing around with Unico and I saw it has an inclinometer function. Is the code for that window available:? I tried an implementation with Kalman filter, but the Unico seems to show the angles much better.Regards,Gabriel

LSM6DSL selftest thresholds

Hi, we are using LSM6DSL, and we are developing the self-test procedure. The Self-test algorithm for LSM6DSL is described in AN5040 Application note, but we don't know the values |min(ST_X)|, |max(ST_X)|,|min(ST_Y)|, |max(ST_Y)||min(ST_Z)|, |max(ST_Z...

massimo2 by Associate II
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STEVAL-WESU 1 design files

Hello,I'm developing a product starting from the WESU eval product. I see on the webpage the pdf with the schematics and the gerber files for production, but unlike other eval boards I cannot find the design project. Could you please provide it? Than...

LSM6DS3 SPI Communication Problem

I tried to work with mbed LPC1768 and LSM6DS3-Dev-Board from Sparkfun.The connections:uC - LSM6DS3VOUT 3V3 regulated Out - 3V3GND-GNDSCLK-SCLMOSI-SDA (SPI SDI)MISO-SA0CS-CSThe Code:#include "mbed.h"   Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX); SPI spi(p11, p12, p13); /...

ogris by Associate II
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CTRL_REG1 configuration timing

I was trying to debug a driver written by another developer and I noticed they setup CTRL_REG1 through CTRL_REG6 with a 5ms delay between each register write. I asked the developer the reason for the delays and they said that if the registers were wr...

JBald by Associate
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LIS3MDL X Axis freezes at 32764. Why?

My LIS3MDL eCompass IC output always reads (X=32764) for the X axis.Axis y and z seem to read ok, with changing values during operation.Why is this occurring?The first day of use the LIS3MDL worked OK, with X,Y,and Z axis having unique and changing v...

KHueb by Associate II
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