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Hello,STM32CubeProg outs "Error: failed to download Segment[0]" and failed to download FP-AI-SENSING1(SENSING1.hex).My envs are,SensorTile kit with small cradle.The FP-AI-SENSING1 ver.3.0.0The project is imported from SW4STM32 to STM32CubeIDE ver.1.0...
Hello,Device Configuration Tool Console doesn't open in STM32CubeIDE.I clicked "Open Console -> 4 Device Configuration Tool Console". But the console was not opened.It is important to Validation of X-CUBE-AI application.Thank you.
Hello,​I could not install CppUTest Test Runner to STM32CubeIDE.After the following steps, "CppUTest Test Runner" does not appear in C/C++ Unit Test -> C/C++ Testing -> Test Runner.​​The steps wor...
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