2019-08-30 6:00 AM
Hi. I am working on MP45DT02 microphone on STM32F4 discovery board by using STM32CubeMx. I read manuals about how to use this microphone with STM32F4 discovery board and done my settings based on the figures on these manuals. However, at the end I just get some noise. Please, can somebody notify me what is my problem? (I send each byte with uart to Python which are in Hex format and then convert them on decimal and sound them on matlab. But, I think my problem is on code related with MCU)
2019-09-05 7:15 AM
Hi @BMoha.19.45 , our experts point out the following comments about the your code:
I suggest you to start from an existing example code, taking it i.e. from the X-CUBE-MEMSMIC1 libraries or the discovery f407.