2019-05-20 01:54 AM
Hello eveyone,
I used LSM6DS3 mems that I would like to get quaternion data, without MAGNETIC. Can I use MotionEC_Run function and without MAGNETIC?
And then, I try to run MotionEC_Run(&data_in, &data_out) function under the STM32CubeExpansion_MEMS1_V6.1.0\Projects\STM32L476RG-Nucleo\Applications\IKS01A3\ECompass example code, but I cannot get any vaule from this function. However, I try to fill zero value in MAGNETIC functions, but I also cannot get any value. So, I don't know how to solve it because this example had already be included a library.
2019-05-20 02:28 AM
Hello @JYUNWEI wu,
The MotionMC uses the accelerometer and magnetometer, it cannot work with only accelerometer.
If you want to calculated device orientation using accelerometer and gyroscope (LSM6DS3) you can use MotionFX in 6-axis mode.
2019-09-08 07:06 PM
Thanks a lot, I solved it.