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Forum Posts

Power supply of LSM303AH

Hello,I am using steval-miki173v1 for testing LSM303AH.I have supplied this one by mistakes with 3.3v. And its working well, but not good idea sure.I have made the same mistakes on my customized PCB, supplied LSM303AH directly with 3.3 and this is do...

rimbaud by Associate II
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LIS3DSH Intermittent X,Y,Z Readings

I can write and read back all registers so everything seems to be fine with the SPI communications but I keep getting very odd readings on X, Y, and Z OUT registers. I'm following the simple setup in the application note, CTRL_REG4 = 0x67 and CTRL_RE...

Gacekky by Associate
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How to get started with the ?

Just started out with stm MCUs . Using the STM32CUBE IDE I am not able to find the for further configuration . Please help! . How do I develop applications using this board(STEVAL-MKSBOX1V1)??

RS1 by Associate
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VL53L1X Center position Relation to X,Y Coordinates

In the VL53L1X ultra lite driver, VL53L1X_SetROICenter and VL53L1X_GetROICenter treat the ROICenter as a single unsigned 8-bit number. Am I correct in assuming this is a SPAD count starting in the top left corner and progressing in a row fashion acro...

KMitc by Associate
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Hi everyone, I'm trying to acquire a temperature from a MCP9808 sensor with a B-L072Z-LRWAN1. But I got an "onRxTimeout" error everytime I try. Is someone knows why ? Thank you a lot for helping me.

 I'm using stm32cubeIDE and I got nothing more than the STM32CubeExpansion_LRWAN_V1.2.1's libraries (stm32l0xx_hal_i2c) to help me. I'm on the i2c1 interface on PB8 and PB9 ports. I think the problem is that I don't know how the flags works.

YMAIL by Associate II
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