MEMS (sensors)

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Missing device configuration tool for STM32CubeIDE

I use the example project X-CUBE-53L0A1. The problem is that this project hasn´t a device configuration tool. Is it possible to add this tool to the project?Example Project Source:

DBass by Associate
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What's the angle get from LSM6DSO accelerometer is?

I first think it should be the eular angle in row, pitch and yaw. But it shows different from the calculation from acceleration. What the angle represent? I want to apply eular angle into quaternion. Can I directly use these angles?

Sunny.Q by Associate II
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LSM6DS33 - FIFO suddeny full

When reading data from the FIFO too slow, FIFO FULL is reported in the status register 3Bh. This is fine and is expected. But if we are reading data from the FIFO as fast as necessary (based on number of samples stored in FIFO), after some time (30 t...

mitchman by Associate
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VL53L1X range status register stuck at 9

Hello all, I'm using VL53L1X sensor through the light API.After the init procedure I can read the correct distance but I read the range status register = 9in the manual the only allowed range are: 0, 1, 2, 4, and 7Can someone explain what it means ra...

VL53L1X - implementing non-blocking communication

Hello!I am using the vl53l1x on a raspberry pi with python (pimoroni library) and want to implement the NON-BLOCKING communicationSo I changed the “wait_method�? in the api (vl53l1_api_core.c) for measurements to NON_BLOCKING and recompiled/reinstall...

LSM9DS1: Acceleration noise density

Hi,The acceleration noise density for the LSM9DS1 chip is not specified in the data sheet. The sensor element seems perfect for my design, but since the intended application is highly noise sensitive I also need some information of the noise. Where c...

FSolb by Associate
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LIS3DH xyz data reading

I am trying to read raw acceleration data in different modes (low power, normal and high resolution). The datasheet says the acceleration data is obtained by concantenating the low and high bytes of each respective axis.How does one read the data wh...

How to data from the LSM6DS3 at maximum speed?

Hi there.We tried to get data from the LSM6DS3 at maximum speed but data rate of the sensor was always around 400Hz.Datasheet say 'LSM6DS3 supports up to 6.66kHz'. Then, can I read the raw data at 6.66kHz through SPI communication?If it is possible, ...

JHong.10 by Associate
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