2020-01-12 9:40 PM
Could anybody explain me about the purpose of GPIO that present in the sensor. How can we use that for an application, then there is a constant output voltage at range of 3v3 (when we give input voltage as 3v3 to sensor to work) is this voltage can be use to drive any external device or not. When we connected to the ground there no change in the sensor.
2020-01-13 8:50 AM
It's an unusual name for an interrupt output:
Data sheet DocID031281 Rev 3:
"7 GPIO1 Digital output Interrupt output. Open drain output"
UM2356 User manual VL53L1X API user manual:
"An alternative and preferred way to get the ranging status is to use the physical interrupt output: by default, GPIO1 is pulled down when new ranging data are ready."