Using STMicro's MC and EC middle ware libraries for a tilt compensating compass. Libraries working with a LSM9DS1 (acc, gyro & mag). Libraries not working with an LSM6DSO (acc & gyro) & LIS2MDL (mag). I have traced this back to the STMicro's middle w...
Hi,I am using LIS3DH for a while now, on different custom boards.I recently faced a major issue with it, which applied to all our last batch of devices (50 units).At some point, the INT1 broke (not emmiting int signal) and power consumption raised to...
I have been using AlgoBuilder-Unicleo successfully using the Nucleo-L476RG/IKS01A3. Configuration is Win 10 in a virtual machine on a Mac Pro. STM32Cube IDE 1.2.0On the other hand, I have been compiling and downloading pro-mode examples using CUBE ID...
Hello, I just got a STEVAL-MKSBOX1V1 a few days ago, and had a problem on trying the accelerometer with the ST BLE Sensor APP. When I keep the sensor's Z axis up or down, the APP shows consistent +1g or -1g. However, when I put the sensor's X/Y up or...
Hi all,we recently got the which is a great toy. However we want to write our own applications and use the STDC14 debug connector. I just rread that only ST-LINK/V2 will be supported due to 1.8V debug interface. Where can I get an ada...
i brought VL53l1X in online for my college project, i used acrylic to cover the sensor , when the sensor in straight line distance is accurate. when a tilt in angle distance various with out object in front.
I searched and I found thar the temperature on the stevaL-MKSBOX1V1 is in handler 0x00001. So I conect using my raspberry and blueZ. Using char-read-hnd 0x0001 I always obtain the same value. Do you know the correct handler for temperature?
We have designed a circuit using this chip with the 3.3 voltage rail . Without converting it to 2.8 as it is bellow the max thresh-hold as per the datasheet. We also pulled up the XSHUT pin high to 3.3v using a 10k ohm resistor. In theory it should p...
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