I am using the lsm6dso accelerometer I am setting : Full Scale= 2g, ODR=12.5Hz for this setting fast waking, step count is not accurate ( 4 steps out of 10 steps)after that, I changed the setting: Full Scale=2g, ODR= 26Hz for this slow w...
Hello,I'm trying to use the MotionDI library for a dynamic inclinometer application. My IMU is the LSM9DS1. The returned data from MotionDI_update() is shown below:The values for rotation, quaternion, gravity, and linear acceleration never change, ev...
Hi all,I'am working with a LSM6DSO32, and I try to implement AHRS algorithm to fuse gyro and accel data. In source code I have this lineFusionVector3 gyroscopeSensitivity = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, }; // replace these values with actual sen...
Hi,Let me know ,how to calculate the sensitivity scale factor of gyroscope sensor l3gd20 ?From the example code I found that #define L3G_Sensitivity_250dps (float)114.285f /*!< gyroscope sensitivity with 250 dps full scale [LSB/dps] */#define L3...
Please let me know where shall we find
Hi guys, i'm Alex, and a few weeks ago i have recived my sensortile kit for firt and after my sensortile.box. I'm surfing on internet to find a use case to replicate to take more confidence with this devices. So i ask you: Anyone knows an intresting ...
Hello,I'm having trouble setting correctly AlgoBuild and MEMS1 in STM32CubeIDE, in order to use Algobuilder, Unicleo, and Unico to recover data via the accelerometer and create IA algos. Here are my Algobuild and MEMS1 settings. When I compile the p...