User Activity

Reading the UM2524 user manual, I noted the following statements at page 14 The phrase "A training script for HAR is provided in the Utilities\AI_Resources\Training Scripts\HAR folder along with a Jupyter Notebook to explain all the steps taken." is ...
Did you ever prepare a guideline like this one but for ASC instead?I have my own two-classes NN, keras model and the B-L475E-IOT01.After replacing asc and asc_data ...
I am acquiring audio streaming from X-NUCLEO-CCA02M2 and NUCLEOF401RE board. I followed the guidelines in and boards are correctly recognized.Audacity shows t...
I'm trying to validate on target the example proposed in concerning the asc NN implementation with X-CUBE AI.My target is the NUCLEO-F401RE instead.After generating code I try to build and I get the warning...
I've tried to analyze a network *.h5 with X-CUBE-AI 7.0.0, but I get this warning:E010(InvalidModelError): Model saved with Keras 2.6.0 but <= 2.5.0 is supportedDid you fix it ?The analysis of the corresponding TFLite network gives just a warningWARN...
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