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Forum Posts

The marking information of LIS2DHTR

HI sir, we have received the item marking show 702, may i ask you what is it represent since we can't find the marking information from the spec. sheet., thanks.

VICTOR1 by Associate II
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Resolved! AIS1120SX/AIS2120SX Tips and Suggestions

I'm in the process of some development using ST's AIS1120SX Accelerometer, in conjunction with a Nucleo L432-KC development board. I thought I would share some tips and suggestions I have about the accelerometer, as I found it particularly difficult ...

CJeff.1 by Associate
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Resolved! How do you use the .ucf file generated by the UNICO GUI and why do the outputs seem to make no sense, comparing it to the register description found in the data sheet?

I am working with the Sensortile.Box right now. More specifically, I want to configure the pedometer function with the MLC to work with certain configurations. The accelerometer has to be set to 16g Full Scale, because of a fall-detection functionali...

KWern.1 by Associate II
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LIS2DH12 init problem for FIFO stream mode

Hi Everybody,I have a weird problem initializing LIS2DH12 in FIFO stream mode with the official ST driver. This is my initialization code:bool lis2dh12wInit(lis2dh12w_cfg_t *cfg) { uint8_t whoamI; lis2dh12_ctrl_reg3_t ctrl_reg3;   /* set read a...

LIS2DH12 reset (BOOT in CTRL_REG5)

Hallo,I am wondering how can I reset the LIS2DH12 accelerometer. I am using the official ST driver which preserves register contents on nearly all actions (read-modify-write), and the MCU in hardware may perform a soft reset when it tries to re-initi...

Resolved! STEVAL-MKI109V3 dfu issue

Hi, I recently bought a STEVAL-MKI109V3 with STEVAL-MKI208V1K. My pc runs on Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS.I've installed the Unico GUI, but when selecting the STEVAL-MKI208V1K in the Unico, it says "Port not open. Please, check the board is connected."I've tri...

FCook.1 by Associate III
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Hello ST Experts , I have a stm32f745 ,which creates a single file and writes a string array in SD card using FATFS, but now I want to create multiple files which appends the PDM2PCM middleware converted PCM buffer values. from the 3 MEMS acquired?

Certain things which are unclear are :1) When I increase the size of the PDM buffer and PCM buffer say to 2000 ,4096 to collect more samples for storing to convert them into a larger file into.wav or mp3 , I find no creation of the file in SD card .T...

SG.4 by Associate II
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