2021-10-30 10:53 AM
I am acquiring audio streaming from X-NUCLEO-CCA02M2 and NUCLEOF401RE board.
I followed the guidelines in https://www.st.com/resource/en/product_presentation/x-nucleo-cca02m2_quick_start_guide.pdf and boards are correctly recognized.
Audacity shows the following warning:
"timestamp": 1635616251,
"event_id": "35e2b64d979897438b2327db89c3f1e0",
"platform": "native",
"release": "audacity@3.1.0",
"contexts": {
"os": {
"type": "os",
"name": "Windows",
"version": "10.0.19042"
"exception": {
"values": [
"type": "Error",
"value": "Error opening recording device.\nError code: -9999 Unanticipated host error.",
"mechanism": {
"type": "runtime_error",
"handled": false
and Error Code -9999, Unanticipated host error.
Does anyone fixed this issue ?
2021-11-08 12:57 AM
It seems that the CCA02M2 is not properly migrated after upgrading to Windows 11, in Italian:
La migrazione delle impostazioni del dispositivo per SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{f4607409-9614-45f1-883b-311f67af98a5} non è stata eseguita dall'installazione precedente del sistema operativo a causa della corrispondenza del dispositivo parziale o ambigua.
ID istanza ultimo dispositivo: SWD\MMDEVAPI\{}.{ecd9285f-cc9a-4e42-8b07-bc4e9a3c3d06}
GUID classe: {c166523c-fe0c-4a94-a586-f1a80cfbbf3e}
percorso località:
rango migrazione: 0xF00000000000F100
presente: false
status: 0xC0000451
How to fix it ?
Thank you!
2021-11-09 4:21 AM
Hi @MSant.1 ,
we didn't expected any changes between win 10 and win11, but unfortunately we are not yet able to test the setup on a Win11 machine.
You could try to manually uninstall the Windows drivers, unplug the board and then plug it again (in this way, the Windows driver
You can refer to the updated UM1901 user manual: in paragraph 2.9 you can find the instruction on how to use Audacity, and in paragraph 3.3.5 the detailed procedure for the driver reinstallation is described.
Please let me know whether this suggestion can help you.
2021-11-09 8:08 AM
Thank you Eleon,
After uninstalling the driver, unplugging CCA02M2 board, restarting pc, and plugging it again, the driver is being installed and the board appears in the device list
The sound is not anyway acquired by Audacity until I do not enable the microphone into the System-Audio-Properties app
If I download into the board the F401RE_CCA02M2_1ch_48KHz.bin binary file and follow this procedure, no sound is acquired, even if the one-channel option appears in the properties down menu and I enable the sound menu.
It seems that works only using 2 channels.
I didn't change jumper settings on the board (paragraph in UM 1901) in these two cases.
2021-11-10 5:07 AM
Hi Marco @MSant.1 ,
Just checked with our experts and I can confirm this is an unexpected behavior.
We have to check on a Win11 machine and fix the issue, if it is confirmed.
By the way, do you need to automatize the procedure or this "manual" configuration is enough for your current purpose?
2021-11-10 7:31 AM
Hi Eleon, thank you.
I can follow the manual procedure and I'll let you know if I can automate it.
I am anyway much more worried about the malfunction of the board when I select just 1 channel.
I changed the #define in cca02m2_conf.h for streaming 1 channel at 16 kHz
and after the "manual" procedure, building and downloading, the channel is correctly recognized by Win 11
Nonetheless, no sound may be acquired by this Windows app nor by Audacity: no warning but no sound.
As I told you, I didn't change the jumper settings on the CCA02M2 board. It's the same setting I used for streaming two channels.
2021-11-12 4:39 AM
Hi Marco @MSant.1 ,
we have indeed to test it on win10.
This behavior is unexpected, since the drivers should be fully compatible (and we did not received complaints on other similar firmware function packs).
The modification to the #define is correct, even if once again windows should automatically enable sound acquisition.
I'll keep you updated about any progresses once we'll be able to debug this function pack on win11.