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Forum Posts


Hello, I have difficulties to get value of 0x68(IMU) and 0x3D(Magnetometer) from LSM9DS1 WHO_AM_I Reg 0x0F. I did on custom made board with STM32L083RZ and use I2C communication to LSM9DS1. I am using I2C3 PortC pin 0 and pin 1. The SDA&SCL are both ...

ABin .1 by Associate II
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Resolved! VL53L1x People Count by using Interrupt method

Dear Team,We are using VL53l1X in our application to detect people leaving and entry, we got 5 vl53l1x breakout boards from one of my distributors for prototyping.People count programming working without any issues when using it in polling/continuous...

MMari.2 by Associate
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LSM6DSO pedometer interrupt setting

Hello,I am using LSM6DSO sensor to do a pedometer. I use the official interrupt signal to control the step update like the following sentence.int1_route.emb_func_int1.int1_step_detector = PROPERTY_ENABLE;But I found the interrupt signal always has so...

JXiao.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Compatibility between LSM6DSL vs LSM6DS3

Hi Sir,We have used the LSM6DS3 part in our application boards. Now the distributor mentioned LSM6DS3 part ha end of life and New part is LSM6DSL.Please confirm this new LSM6DSL part is pin to pin and firmware side compatible with the LSM6DS3 part. ...

APK.1 by Associate II
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lis2ds12 Bypass to FIFO/Stream example

My test:I want to set up the FIFO for bypass->stream, and then just move (shouldn't have to be a violent shake) the PCB that has the lis2ds12 on it and see the FIFO have data. I'm only able to detect violent shaking... could you please advise / sugge...

ATemp.1 by Associate II
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