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Is it possible to store keys generated by STM32MP_KeyGen_CLI in TPM and use them by STM32MP_SigningTool_CLI directly, without extracting?
I try to install STM32CubeMX 6.12.1 on my Ubuntu 24.04.1 and installer gives a following error:  root:/usr/src/ST/STM32CubeMX/6.12.1# ./SetupSTM32CubeMX-6.12.1 Check exe path on linux FullExe path1 is: /usr/src/ST/STM32CubeMX/6.12.1/SetupSTM32CubeMX...
I am developing a device with the STM23MP153C and plan to implement secure boot, but I don't fully understand the SSP workflow and have a few questions.1. The STM32CubeProgrammer documentation says that the -ssp command can be executed both with HSM ...
I am using STM32MP153 MPU on custom board.Is it possible to read/write memory region using ST-Link connected via JTAG interface?Most interesting if this is possible through some command line interface, perhaps my own C program using some API.
I have custom board based on STM32MP153C.This board has 7 serial ports. I configuring these ports with STM32MP1Cube.After linux boot 4 of these serial ports become disabled Driver doesn't probe them and they are in "disabled" state in /sys/firmware/d...