MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

Anti-alias IIS2DLPC

I am trying to configure the IIS2DLPC for anti-aliasing as indicated by figure 3 section 3.4 of an5201.I am seeing frequency folding in the spectrum. I am playing a 300 and 500 Hz sine wave alternately on a sound table to vibrate the sensor. Each ton...

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Resolved! Using LSM9DS1 Sensors on the STM32 WB55RG (SPI)

Hello. I wrote the following code to use the LSM9DS1 sensor with the STM32 WB55RG board. The current issue is that when I set the gyro to 0x18 and the accel to 0x28, as specified in the sensor datasheet, the accelerometer and gyro values are swapped ...

junhee by Associate
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LIS2DUX12 MLC power consumption

Is there any available information about excess power consumption due to the Machine-Learning Core (MLC) on the LIS2DUX12 accelerometer?The LIS2DUX12 datasheet claims in Section 2.2 "Electrical characteristics" a current draw of up to 10.8uA (indepen...

fibo82 by Associate
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LSM6DSV32X Gyroscope Artifacts

We use the accelerometer and gyroscope channels of an LSM6DSV32X for measuring movement parameters of a mechanical system. During some tests we observed artifacts in the gyroscope channel that we cannot explain.Configuration:The LSM6DSV32X is connect...

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JHenn.1 by Associate II
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STEVAL-STWINKT1 not connecting to dashboard

Hi, I have a STEVAL-STWINKT1BI have flashed,\\STM32CubeFunctionPack_PREDMNT1_V2.4.1\Projects\STM32L4R9ZI-STWIN\Demonstrations\Predictive_Maintenance_WIFI\AWS\Binary\STM32L4R9ZI-STWIN_PredictiveMaintenance_WIFI_v2.4.1.binI get th...

LSM6DSV16X: wrong WHO_AM_I read on SPI interface

Hello,I am trying to interface a Nordic MCU to a LSM6DSV16X, but I cannot get the communication to work.I am using 2 dev kits for this test setup, a nRF5340-DK and a STEVAL$MKI227KAA I got from the STEVAL-MKI227KA. VDD/VDD_IO are both 3V, CS/SPC/SDI/...


LPS25HB barometer - is it temperature compensated?

Hi. I have two LPS25HB on PCB board. After I cooling them with room air, they show signifacant drop in pressure readings. Do they have full temperature compensation? Are compensation registers protected from accidental erasure?


Accelerometer distortion during high frequency vibrations

We have the following accelerometer in our setup IIS3DHHC - High-resolution, high-stability 3-axis digital inclinometer for industrial applications - STMicroelectronicsExperimental setup:The board in which the accelerometer is integrated is screwed o...

snjl by Associate II
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