MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

DFSDM Filter for DC-Bias of MEMS-MIC

Hello st-community,I am currently working with MEMS microphones (more precisely: MP34DT05TR-A). For reading in the data I use the DFSDM, which also works as far as possible, because I noticed when evaluating the data using an FFT that there is a very...

ChRegBrg by Associate II
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Resolved! LSM6DSV16BX Bone conduction feature

I used LSM6DSV16BX for bone conduction detection. Based on the sample code and driver provided on github, everything related to the I2C works fine. But when it comes to the TDM part, I can not get any valid data from the tdm platform is esp32...

Ayse by Associate
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Resolved! What do the self-tests of the ASM330LHH actually prove?

Hello, I hope you are well.I had a query about the IMU ASM330LHH. I want to know whether the self-test functions of the internal accelerometer and gyroscope (see attached pictures) test the internal MEMS sensors or not. I have doubts whether these se...

FedIng by Associate
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ISM330DHCX: accelerometer usable bandwidth

Hi, at my parttime job we are using the ISM330DHCX in an industrial sensor for measuring acceleration, gyro and inclination. In the description for ISM330DHCX is stated, that it can be also used for vibration measuring. In the datasheet (p.50/167 Tab...

APozd.2 by Associate
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Audio USB interface for IM69D130 MEMS Microphones

I recently bumped into an audio USB interface which might fits my needs : the STEVAL-MKI138V1. Indeed, I want to get the audio signals of 4 MEMS IM69D130 microphones onto my PC on Audacity, through a USB audio interface like the STEVAL-MKI138V1. Howe...

Resolved! Where to download Unicleo-GUI?

Hello,I have found informations about Unicleo-GUI, and I would like to test it. There are many informations on ST page, but I could not find any link to download it.So where can I download it?Thank you

ANauz.1 by Senior II
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