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Forum Posts

STM32CubeIDE 1.18.0 released

We are pleased to announce that the release 1.18.0 of STM32CubeIDE is available. What is new in 1.18.0: Microcontrollers, microprocessors, and board lists aligned with STM32CubeMX 6.14.0: Added the support for STM32WBA6xxx microcontrollers in the STM...

STM32CubeIDE 1.14 and Darkest Dark Theme with DevStyle

I uninstall IDE v1.13 and install the new v1.4 from the ST website.Installation without problems, but already at the first launch I see that instead of the Information Center page it says "the page cannot be displayed".When I try to download Darkest ...

KHans.4 by Associate
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Resolved! ThreadX priority

Hi guys. Help solve this problem.I am working with STM32H745 and ThreadX. In my project, an external event generates an interrupt on EXTI10.The tx_event_flags_set() function is executed from the HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback() interrupt handler to start a p...

Resolved! STM32g0xx change boot address with option bytes

Hi, I used this code to change the boot address in the STM32U575 project:FLASH_OBProgramInitTypeDef OB_Data;/* Unlock Flash Control register and Option Bytes */HAL_FLASH_Unlock();HAL_FLASH_OB_Unlock();OB_Data.OptionType = OPTIONBYTE_USER | OPTIONBYTE...

MishKa59 by Associate II
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unable to debug stm32f508-dk

sir i am trying to read and write 10 bytes of data into flash memory, before that iam going to debug the code ,am getting this error "No source available for "_binary_______ExtMem_Boot_Binary_Bootloader_bin_start() at 0x8001ece" "

kishor by Associate II
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Multiple errors reported.

Hi, currently I have an issue during debug. I'm writing a bare metal code to blink a LED, when I compile the code there aren't any error occur. But when check the Expression I got this errors, I have search everywhere but I can't find the solution ye...

trietmt9 by Associate II
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Resolved! Indexer crash

I'm failing to get the indexer working correctly.So far I've tried several solutions regarding paths definition and Eclipse memory sizes allocation. All of them leading to the same error for all the files in my project. See an extract of the .log fil...

O'li by Associate II
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ADC value is not being read

Hi all, I am new to stm32cube ide and this is my first project. I am currently working on stm32f103c8. I am taking the input from ADC1 pin PA0 which is connected to a potentiometer. I am controlling LEDs through a potentiometer and a button. The prob...