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Forum Posts

Resolved! SPI open drain config on STM32U5G9J-DK2

Greetings to the community, After digging around the relevant documentations and the reference manual for the chip family (STM32U5xxx), I couldn't find any relevant info on configuring SPI protocol to be in open drain config. The idea is to power the...

RTC Timer

Hello everyone,I am using an STM32L152RE board to generate a delay using the RTC as a timer. I would like the onboard LED to blink every 10 seconds. I have tried using a delay via a timer and am now trying to implement the same functionality using th...

Unavailable FW package issue (fixed)

Dear STM32CubeMX/STM32CubeIDE users We detected an issue linked to unavailability of some Cube packages for multiple STM32 series. This misbehavior is caused by an issue in the published database used by our tools. The issue is currently under invest...

mDNS example project

Hello,I have a project running on an STM32F407VE that is using FreeRTOS and lwIP.  I have a working webserver among other things.  I want to implement mDNS but it doesn't seem straightforward - never done it before.  Does anyone have some guidance or...

MStra.3 by Associate III
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STM32 SMBUS giving error

im working on SMBUS for STM32F4 controller, im able to enable one I2C and then add middleware for SMBUS from middleware section, and by opting SM-BUS two wire interface i can select that I2C in SMBUS menu, but after this im generating code and gettin...

_kalpesh by Associate II
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Unable to Program My STM32G0B1

I tested PCB with BOOT_0 is Pulldown to gnd & not Pulldown to gnd & tested with both Stlink-V2 & J-Link Segger Even In Cube Programmer also it was not detected.The MCU In this Board is STM32G0B1CET6 & it was bought in element14, this is the first tim...

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Cannot create a new STM32 project on cube IDE

I am trying to create a new STM32 project on cube IDE, after I selected with STM32 project and clicked Next. The application not response.And when I double clicked the STM32 Project button, the error shown as below.Any idea?My computer is windows OS ...

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-WayWei- by Associate
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Installation of Cube IDE on ubuntu 22.04

hi there,I tried to install latest version of the STM32 Cube IDe 1.15.1 of deb file on Ubuntu 22.4. But it showing me that Segger J-Link is being not downloaded. Any suggestions on how to fix the issue?Below is the errorErrors were encountered while ...