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I2C Slave “Repeated Start�? Callback?

STM32F105, HCLK=72MHz, HAL Ver, SCL = 100KHzIs there a “Repeated Start�? HAL callback? I couldn’t find any direct reference but does the STM32 I2C peripheral know when this occurs and set a status bit somewhere?In my application, I can’t allo...

CMSIS-Driver for DRIVER_Spi.h

Does anyone know how I include CMSIS-Driver's DRIVER_Spi.h library in CubeIDE? I was not able to find it installed by default. Is this library supported for STM32 Cube and if so, what is the CubeIDE way of adding it?

LMorr.3 by Senior II
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Resolved! STM32CubeIDE HAL_I2C_ErrorCallback function does not work.

I'm using i2c interface to communicate with a eeprom memory, by dma. It's working, however, when I put a wrong address to write in the memory (to test the errors), I get as return HAL_ERROR, but the function HAL_I2C_ErrorCallback (that i implemented)...

Ade J.3 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32H723ZG ADC on Nucleo board behaves not as expected

Hi there,I am using a Nucleo H723ZG and my ADC(s) behave weirdly.I need only one ADC, from the datasheet the ADC3 supports 5 MSPS.Since I needed the highest possible sampling rate, I've chosen this one.The data gets collected in one burst of 4096 12-...

I2S_DMAResume does not Sync in Slave mode. (CubeIDE)

I am using STM32F446 Nuclero and STM32CubeIDE.​I wrote a loopback code from I2S_ADC (PCM1808PWR) to internal DAC.MCU is slave mode (external clock to IS2_CKIN).I works fine. ​However, when I try to "Pause DMA" and "Resume DMA", I2S of MCU does not sy...

KAJIK.1 by Associate III
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Problem : SD card with FATFs and mdma

Hello,I work in STM32H743, with the IDE 1.11, SD 4 wires. I followed the tutorial posted in Sep 27, 2021 about a File System on a SD card using STM32CubeIDE but nothing works I even tried to download examples provided by cubeIde but no results.any i...

Kfell.1 by Associate III
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How to see core utilization in stm32 cubeide?

I am using STM32L452RC for my project. I need to know the core utilization that is similar to how we see in the task manager. I need to know this, since I want to see the difference in the utilization with and without involving DMA. I need to verify ...

RAnan.3 by Associate III
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