User Activity

Hello, I see in code generated by all Linux versions of CubeIDE that USER CODE BEGIN and USER CODE END tags in infinite loop, are not in the better place.Code generated by Cude IDE: /* Infinite loop */ /* USER CODE BEGIN WHILE */ while (1) { ...
Hello, I was trying to use RTC battery backup on a nucleo F446RET6.The problem was that the battery (CR2032) connected to VBAT tries (and can't) to power all the board.Looking to schematic diagram, I see that VBAT pin is connected to VDD thru SB45.Re...
Hello,I need to drive some power mosfets (STP55NF06) from open drain outputs.The gate and mcu output will be connected to a pull up resistor to 12VAre the TT and FT pin voltage limits applicable when used in open drain mode?If yes, I will amplify the...
Hi,When the folder name of installer contains spaces, the installer tries to do a chmod to all words of the folder name.Solved renaming the folder.
Hello, Somebody knows if the copyright notice generated at the beginning of main.c file is stored in a file that I can edit?I read in this forum that sections outside of user code are copyrighted by ST. If the copyright text is stored in an editable ...