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Forum Posts

X-CUBE-TCPP issue with STM32CubeIDE 1.15.1

I am able to successfully install and build the SNK1M1_Sink example project from X-CUBE-TCPP.I then opened the .ioc file and make the recommended changes to the HAL timebase source (I selected TIM2 as TIM1 was greyed out) and set USE_NEWLIB_REENTRANT...

alw by Associate III
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Resolved! How it is possible to use GDB with FreeRTOS support?

Hello!I need to debug multiple tasks but when I try to enable FreeRTOS support (Debug configurations/Debug/Enable RTOS proxy/FreeRTOS+ARM_CM7) I can't connect to my MCU (STM32H743) with a message box saying "Could not verify ST device" while console ...

ktrofimo by Senior III
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Resolved! Is STM32CubeIDE newlib with FreeRTOS now really thread safe?

I'm using STM32Cube IDE with FreeRTOS. The Errata for STM32CubeIDE 1.7.0 state "70505 Implemented a newlib-malloc solution that is thread safe by default."Is newlib truly thread safe now? As far as I can tell, when building a project in STM32CubeIDE...

msch by Associate III
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FreeRTOS + LwIP in C++ project on STM32F7

Hello everyone,I want to get 4Diac Forte, which will be added as a static library, working on my Nucleo F767Zi.I need FreeRTOS with LwIP, so I created a base Project in CubeIDE with FreeRTOS+LwIP which was running fine.Since the library I want to add...