MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

How to calculate dBSPL from sound level

Hello all,I have a question regarding the MEMS audio sensor MP23DB01HP. I managed to read out the Soundlevel of the sensor. But I don't know how to interpret this value. My question is, how can I convert the soundlevel to obtain a corresponding value...

riyolu by Associate
  • 3 replies
  • 0 kudos

LSM6DSV half precision error at ~180 degrees

Hi,We're using the lsm6dsv's SFLP algorithm to calculate IMU rotation. Recently however we noticed that the resulting rotation has big gaps at around the 180degree mark. We believe this is because of the half float precision, specifically because the...

Gorbit99 by Associate III
  • 29 replies
  • 14 kudos


With LSM303AGR to achieve the electronic compass function now 0-360 degrees can be obtained normally, has increased the calibration function; Why the uneven distribution 


Unable to calibrate LPS22DF

I am using a python script to update the One Point Calibaration register 1Ah, 1Bh. I put values in but the resultant reading of the normal pressure registers in 28h, 29h, 2Ah are way off. Does anyone have a script that might show exactly how it is do...

ism330dhcx ctrl3_c sw_reset I2C callback behavour

Hello awsome peaple of the ST fourms,I've been writing a program on the MB1551-U585AI1-D01 STM32U5 dev board, after getting DMA working and writing some AzureRTOS aware platform functions for the MEMS sensors on the board I have been very successful ...

Gravity problems on IIS3DWB

Hello community, I am an electronics engineer at the CNRS in Montpellier (France). I am currently working with the IIS3DWB vibration sensor When I use the LFP2 low-pass filter, the action of gravity is added to the measurements. I use the following d...