MEMS (sensors)

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Resolved! St-mems-android-linux-sensors-hal Snapdragon ADSP compatibility

Hi,From the following repo would like to know if the driver it's compatible with an Android environment under snapdragon where all the sensors part is managed under ...

DevM by Associate II
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[iis3dwb] Read sensor data without loss.

Hi, I want to receive data coming from the sensor without loss.For the testing, sampling rate is set to 32Hz.26667(ODR) / 800 = 32hzif set like this, 32 data per second will be accumulated in the buffer.and CNT_BDR_THR was set to 100.also, FIFO_MODE ...

HKim.23 by Associate III
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Resolved! [IIS3DWB] Sampling rate set to 2K band.

Hi,I want to set the raw data to around 2k bandwidth and receive all data through FIFO.From what I understand, to set it to 2k bandwidth-Bandwidth ODR/4 = 2.6kHz, HPCF_XL = 0, LPF2_XL_EN =1-FIFO_CTRL3 BDR_XL = 0b1010 ( 26667Hz ) And at this time, if ...

HKim.23 by Associate III
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Resolved! setup LIS2DUX12TR for motion detection

Dear all,I want to set LIS2DUX12TR to detect if there is a motion of the board, like a theft detector.The board is battery powered, so, I was thought to use INT1 pin to wake my PIC18LF26K22 uC to send some data.For me, is for time when I interact wit...

costi002 by Associate
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Using multiple interrupts on 1 interrupt pin - LIS2DW12

GreetingsI am currently using the LIS2DW12 accelerometer, in continuous-to-fifo mode, with the wake-up interrupt configured to INT1, and the DIFF5 interrupt configured to INT2. All works well, as I'm able to read the FIFO contents when the FIFO is fu...

ZAIDS-S23 by Associate III
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LSM6DSL data retrieval

Hi,I am trying to get accelerometer and gyroscope readings from the LSM6DSL via a python script.Here is my code so far:def init(self):# activate gyro and accelself.write_reg(0x10,0b0110) #activate accelerometer (writing ODR_XL[3:0] in 0x10) at 416Hzs...

nmorgan by Associate II
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Resolved! Send large chunks of data via BLE

Hello, I want to use the to collect IMU data over BLE. I tried modifying the BLESensors source code to suit my requirements (by increasing the characteristic size etc.). But the ST BLE Sensor app doesn't seem to support this. I only re...

Flare by Associate II
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