2024-07-02 3:24 PM
I'm using the IIS3DWB accelerometer to get triaxial waveform.
I just want to know what is the best approach to detect over range.
I tried to compare sample by sample in each channel with the maximum possible positive value (>32766) and the maximum negative value (<-32767) but I didn't get overflow detection when the peak acceleration > range.
When I set the limits to +/-16384 (half) my detection routine works (with an instantaneous acceleration value > range/2).
What is the measured acceleration value when the acceleration is over the full-scale range?
Does the accelerometer limit the the value to the maximum?
Best regards
Solved! Go to Solution.
2024-07-03 11:54 PM
Hi @Palmering ,
You can't detect over range, the maximum value you can read is the full-scale value.
2024-07-03 11:54 PM
Hi @Palmering ,
You can't detect over range, the maximum value you can read is the full-scale value.
2024-07-05 7:02 AM
Hi Federica,
Thank you for your answer.
I think that comparing sample by sample, when at least a few of them reach the full-scale value (+ or -) of the range we can say there is an over range.
Based in your comment, I assume the IIS3DWB limits to the ful-scale value (0x7FFF/0x8000) if over range.
However, I couldn't see samples >=0x7FFB/<=0x8005. in the 16g range when a >16g shock.is applied.
Best regards