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ST MEMS L3GD20 interfacing with STM32F429ZI

Hello, I need help using L3GD20 gyroscope that comes with stm32f429ZI DISC! board. I have used code in this thread as the example and this video to generate code using cube MX/* Includes ---------------------------------------------------------------...

AS Na by Associate II
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Recovery of Standby Mode in LIS3DH + STM32L072

Recovery of Standby Mode in LIS3DH + STM32L072I am developing using LIS3DH + STM32L072 now.I think that I want to restore with WKUP (PA0) of STM32L072 by INT1 when it enters Standby Mode and exceeds the threshold set to LIS3DH.However, I will not ret...

Interrupt line not being cleared

I'm using an H3LIS331DL chip, and relying on the set threshold to trigger an interrupt and go read the data.Everything is working fine, except occasionally it will freeze and stop reading anything. On investigation, I found the interrupt output line ...

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RDyla by Associate II
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Resolved! What does the DEN_A/G pin on the LSM9DS1 actually do?

Posted on February 10, 2015 at 15:24The title really says it all. The pin description for the LSM9DS1 says that the DEN_A/G pin is the Accelerometer/Gyroscope Data Enable. This sounds important, but I can't see anywhere in the datasheet that explai...

evan2 by Associate II
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LIS3DH ADC input impedance

Posted on October 02, 2017 at 16:28Hello, we are working with the ex ADC inside a LIS3DH MEMS.Unfortunatly the input impedance/resistance of the ADC pins is not stated in the datasheet...The ADC is used in conjungtion with an external resistor divid...

MotionAW on non-STM32 Cortex M4F?

As stated in the header, is it possible to use MotionAR/MotionAW on all kinds on Cortex M4Fs? We are using a lsm6dsl and it would be awesome to use MotionAW in our solution even though we dont have a STM32 mcu.Is that possible?

HSmed by Associate
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