LPS33HW O-ring?
Can somebody recommend an O-ring for the LPS33HW?Supplier, vendor, part number? Any of those would be helpful.Specifications for the O-ring are in DT0096, 1.15mm inner diameter, 1.0mm thickness.
Can somebody recommend an O-ring for the LPS33HW?Supplier, vendor, part number? Any of those would be helpful.Specifications for the O-ring are in DT0096, 1.15mm inner diameter, 1.0mm thickness.
Posted on March 22, 2016 at 04:59I was hoping someone could help me better understand how close two (or more) VL6180X sensors can be positioned if they are on the same plane and pointing in the same direction.I would like to place two of these senso...
Hi,Please provide the information from where I can buy the cover glass for VL53L1x in bulk.I need the one which is shown below. This is supplied with x-nucleo-53l1a1 development board. Regards,Pratik Shah
Posted on June 24, 2018 at 21:18I am running the vl6180x without an object being placed before and it stop working. No interrupt status, value and error code. When an object is placed in front of it in startup, it works without issue but when remove...
We are trying to use the FIFO on the LSM6DSL to get accelerometer data, gyroscope data and time stamps at 833Hz. Though we have followed the directions in the Applications Note, we are still not getting correct data from the FIFO. The data appears sc...
Dear Community,I am excited to get started with the IIS3DHHC sensor in combination with an Arduino Teensy. I have been working before with the Analog Devices ADXL355, I've successfully wrote a program for this, but I have difficulties knowing if I'm ...
HelloI want to use the IIS2MDC magnetometer in a device which measures magnetic fields that change rapidly as a function of position (e.g. fields with high gradients). For this purpose, I need to know two things which i couldn't find in the datasheet...
Help me? I don't understand how has obtained vector X (Equation 27-29, page 28-29, AN 3192)?
I am assuming that since they can be configured as push-pull or open drain that they are likely active low, but I would like to confirm this assumption. It seems odd that there is nothing in the datasheet about these pins -- only info about their sof...