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Hello everybody,In my project which uses STM8L151G6 MCU, I need 6 interrupt inputs on both rising/falling edge. In particular those pins are PB0, PB1, PB2, PD1, PD2, PD3.Please note I'm using "port interrupt mode", i.e. EXTIB_G_IRQHandler and EXTID_H...
I have implemented in our product a LIS2DE12 sensor. I would like to read the temperature register via I2C.In order to do this I setup the following register:at start-up:-check WHO_AM_ I register (0x0Fh) which correctly reports 0x33h (so I2C bus and ...
Posted on January 26, 2015 at 17:09 Hi everybody, I'm trying to include in my project the IEC60335 library to have class B self test. I receive this error during linker phase #error clnk Debug\stm8slkf:1 segment .CLASS_B...