MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

How does VL53L1X actually measure distance?

I'm working with the VL53L1X as part of my bachelors projekt. In that regard I'd like to explain to the reader how the sensor works. As far as I've read, the sensor solely relies on timing the interval between pulsing the diode until the SPADs genera...

VL53L1X on LPC804 stuck in "while(state)"

Hi, I hope you can help me with this one. My problem is on line 127 I'm making an array of structs. i would like to make them global, but if I move line 127 to line 74 (Where my courser is) I get stuck in the while(state) on line 94. Why can't I make...

LSM6DSL Absolute Wrist Tilt(AWT) false positives

Hi,I'm using the LSM6DSL AWT to get interrupts in Y-axis when the angle goes above or below the thresholds. The problem is when happens one change of directions the LSM6DSL gives a false positive interrupt. The sensor detects the horizontal movement ...

RPinh by Associate II
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