2020-02-27 1:28 AM
I'm reading the official asm330lhh datasheet.
There is a sentence "INT1 must be set to '0' or left unconnected during power-on" under Table 17 in Chapter 7. This sentence means that when MEMS is powered on, ensure that INT1 is at 0 level or Does the disconnected state refer to the state before power-on? I drew a simple timing diagram.
A or B?
can anyone help?
2020-03-02 5:18 AM
Hi @CLiu.2 , it basically means that the INT1 pad must not be at Vdd level during the power on phase (i.e. while the Vdd and VddIO are risen from 0V to VDD level). I believe you will drive this pin with an MCU: the default state of this pin has to be either gnd (0V) or "open drain", at least during the power on phase (so I believe A diagram, just before and just after the Vdd settling). Regards
2020-03-02 9:52 PM