Is there a maximum speed of an object that a VL53L1X sensor can detect?
I am working with the sensor to detect objects passing in front of it, but wonder if there is a max speed that the sensor can accurately detect. Thanks!
I am working with the sensor to detect objects passing in front of it, but wonder if there is a max speed that the sensor can accurately detect. Thanks!
I have a board that uses LIS3DH. Unfortunately I find the SDO/SA0 pin does NOT wire to VSS or GND. In this case, what would be the Slave ADdress(SAD)? In the spec it says 001100xb and the 'x' is either 1 or 0 when connected to VSS or GND. But no clu...
I want a 1000 data per seconds from LSM6DSM sensor (Acceleration and Gyroscope data ) and I want set acceleration level should +16g to -16g and gyroscope value should be 2000dps. These data should saved to the sd card. I request you to kindly sugges...
RoutineVL53L0X_perform_offset_calibration from src/core/src/vl53l0x_api_calibration.cpp is giving strange results. By my opinion the problem is in uint16_t sum_ranging which should be of type uint32_t due to later bit shifting (<<16), which needs to ...
I want to interface 3 VL53L0x with atmega 2560 using arv-gcc and not arduino but i am unable to do so I have its documet but i dont understand how to implement please .Please help me to interfcae all sensor and read all of them at same time
Hi,I would like to know what is the difference between bandwidth and ODR. I tough that just the analog accelerometers have bandwidth and the digital ones have ODR. For example, IIS3DWB can go up to 5kHz bandwidth and 26.7kHz ODR. Does this means that...
Find the attached schematic and review the same.Here we are using I2C communication.CS pin is directly connected to the MCU