2020-01-13 1:35 AM
First i pull both interrupt pins to GND before power up the sensor, as recommended by the datasheet. I then configure SDO pin with pull-up using register PIN_CTRL. Then i enable the accelerometer with no second filtering stage from register CTRL1_XL.
I'm not sure what to configure next, and in what order to configure it, for a simple wake-up interrupt test. I assume since there is no register to put the sensor to sleep, that it defaults to sleep automatically?
I do however get correct return from WHO_AM_I register, and i also can read out values from all axis.
2020-03-30 5:28 AM
Hi @TResell , did you check the IIS3DWB application note AN5444 p.15? The suggested procedure is the following one:
1. Write A0h to CTRL1_XL // Enable accelerometer (ODR = 26.667 kHz ; FS = ±2 g)
2. Write 11h to SLOPE_EN // Enable latch mode and digital high-pass filter
3. Write 80h to INTERRUPTS_EN // Enable interrupt function
4. Write 00h to WAKE_UP_DUR // No duration and selection of wake-up threshold weight (1 LSB = FS_XL / 26)
5. Write 02h to WAKE_UP_THS // Set wake-up threshold 6. Write 20h to MD1_CFG // Wake-up interrupt driven to INT1 pin