User Activity

Hi, I'm using a couple of functions: tBleStatus aci_gap_additional_beacon_start(...);and tBleStatus aci_gap_additional_beacon_stop();The point is that aci_gap_additional_beacon_stop() periodically returns error code 0x0C, which means "command disallo...
I'm using MCU STM32WB55CE. The issue is the following:after putting MCU in STOP mode it looks like IWDG still running and reset the MCU.Option byte: 0x3B79F1AA, means bit IWDG_STDBY and IWDG_STOP clear.I'm using SEGGER J-Link for debugging. Ble stack...
Hi team,I use LIS3DH communicating with MCU over SPI. LIS3DH is used in current critical application. I use ST library to get access to registers. I use Low-Power mode with 1 Hz sample rate and expect to get current draw ~2uA, but instead i get ~27u...