MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

FFT explanation for PREDMNT1 software on STWIN

Good morning,I using STWIN for FFT analyse and i have few question about the data collection and especialy for understanding who does whatOn STBLE app the logging from fft windows return 3 files (FFT amplitude, FFT and Motor time parameter). Is anyb...

Problem with Noisy output of LIS3DH accelerometer

Hello Everyone. I'm trying to use LIS3DH as vibration sensor and convert the output of acceleration to RMS velocity in range of +-4G and bandwidth of 10to1000Hz. But i encountered an odd problem with the LIS3DH output. When i set High pass filter to ...

MGolm.1 by Associate II
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LIS3DH Resolution in LP Mode !!!

Hello Everyone. I'm using LIS3DH in Low power Mode and with ODR=5.3KHZ. In datasheet it's declared that the resolution of 8 bit data in LIS3DH when using +-16G Range, is 192mg/lsb. 8 bit data should be signed char with range -128...+127. So when i m...

MGolm.1 by Associate II
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L3GD20H part marking or part markings in general

I have a part that I believe to be a MEMS sensor. Unfortunately it has no company logo just some code numbers. The fact that it is a LGA-14 in 3*3mm makes me think it is a L3GD20H. No other manufacturer seems to have a MEMS part in that size. The L3G...

PSwee.1 by Associate
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