MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

I use the LIS3MDL Sensor: When I power the sensor and request via SPI the WHOAMI Register, the first answer is not equal to the default answer. When I send another byte to read the Register afterwards I get the default answer. Why is that so?

 data[0]=0B10001111; data[1]=0B00000000;data[3]=0B00000000; //this is not needed but i get the default answer here   SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(100000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE3));   digitalWrite(10, LOW);   delay(10);   for (size_t i = 0; i < datale...

LLoid.1 by Associate
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Synchronise IIS3DWB sensors

Within a research project we are evaluating the IIS3DWB for measuring vibrations in hydraulic forging hammers for predictive maintenance.The current application requires that two IIS3DWB sensors (which are connected to the same microcontroller) are s...

TElle.1 by Associate
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Resolved! how to reset lis2dh?

hi st: I am using lis2dh, driven by spi. Initially set to fifo mode, 25hz. When the power is turned on for the first time, I can read that there is data in the fifo, and the data are normal. When I reset the mcu and initialize the sensor again, th...

Zwf.1 by Associate II
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I am using the ISM330 for measuring Acceleration and Gyro data. Both are set to ODR=416Hz. The FIFO is used in Continues Mode with an ODR=416Hz. The Problem is, that sometimes the data in the FIFO seems to be shifted.

Is there a Problem when the Sensor is sampling and doing a i2c communication(reading the FIFO) in parallel?I saw that, that the FIFO gets shifted(or data is overwritten) a few times during collecting data.Can someone help me please?Best Regards,Chris...

220nF capacitor ESR LSM303AGR

It is stated that the 220nF capacitor should have a ESR smaller than 200mOHm. At what frequency is this rated? not sure what frequency the LSM is switching this capacitor. I had a look at the EVAL MKI72V1, but that one has an error in the BOM. Any su...