VL53L1 UltraLite driver function VL53L1X_GetXtalk returns always 0
I am using the function VL53L1X_SetXtalk to set the crosstalk value. When I want to read back the crosstalk value with the function VL53L1X_GetXtal, this function returns always 0.
I am using the function VL53L1X_SetXtalk to set the crosstalk value. When I want to read back the crosstalk value with the function VL53L1X_GetXtal, this function returns always 0.
Hi,We've got an old design with an LIS2DE sensor, but it is obsolete. Is there any part compatible pin-to-pin? Thanks in advanceBest regards,Manuel
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We are using two sensors. One is attached to a patient breathing circuit and the other is set to ambient pressure. We display the differential.
Hello. I'm using VL53L1X sensor with Ultra Lite Driver (ULD). VL53L1X_GetRangeStatus function returns all the time status 13. This value comes from the array "status_rtn".Where can I find info about the meaning of these values?What does status=13 mea...
Hi,I'm using a LSM6DSM to detect periods of inactivity and put a MCU to sleep. Similarly, it uses the activity interrupt to wake the MCU. I observed an average current consumption of ~0.7 mA when configured to check for inactivity(Gyro enabled and OD...