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How to implement callbacks to my i2c code for the VL53L3CX

Hi,I am implementing the VL53L3CX in a custom design and am trying to get the API working. The documentation says that there is one sample included in the API that shows how to call it. It is not present in the supplied API download (VL53L3CX_BareDri...

Kevyk by Associate
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Connect LSM303AGR Interrupt Pins, really necessary?

Hi.Excuse me if this query seems very silly, I am designing a schematic and it will take the integrated LSM303AGR because I need to read accelerometer and magnetometer data by I2C.What happens if I leave the accelerometer interrupt pins (INT_1_XL and...

Gustbel by Associate
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IIS328DQ I2C Setup

IIS328DQ CS, SCL, SDA, and SA0 pins are having internal active pull up. If I were to use I2C communication, do I need to connect CS pin to high? Since it is already had internal active pull up, I don't think that we still need it....please confirm.

KTeng.1 by Associate II
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IIS328DQ PCB Design Guidelines Unclear

Not quite clear about the statement " "Pin 1 Indicator" unconnected during soldering " as mentioned in the datasheet. Can someone elaborate on this?In the Recommended Land and Soldermask design, the statement "PCB THERMAL PAD NOT TO BE DESIGNED ON P...

KTeng.1 by Associate II
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Is it possible to use an external clock source for lSM6DSL?

Hi, I am reading FIFO from a couple LSM6DSL IMUs, but the FIFO generation speed seems a bit different even if all of them are in the same configuration. I am suspect it is the different of the internal clock source. Does anyone know if it is possibl...

jb by Associate II
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Sampling frequency of LSM6DSOX

Hello,I am measuring acceleration with LSM6DSOX.On account of unknown frequencies in measurement I want to know the relation between ODR and sampling rate.I found in

amuel.1 by Associate II
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