MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

Why can't I implement MLC for LSM6DSV16x?

Long story short, I'm trying to use the MLC algorithm from the BLEMLC sample for SensorTile.Box Pro. However, I can't seem to read any output from the MLC. The MLC is working fine in the BLEMLC sample, but when I try it in my own file, it does not wo...

NeoWei by Associate II
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Pedometer in lsm6dsox not working

Hi all,About 25% of the LSM6DSOX sensors in the field have a non-functional pedometer. The step count is showing as zero. A power-on reset or software reset does not resolve the issue. We rely on the step count provided by the pedometer module, but i...

VPrad.2 by Associate
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LSM9DS1 threashold interrupt of FIFO mode

Hi,  I am reading datasheet of LSM9DS1, and a little conccerned about the following part:  Especially about the text: "When a FIFO threshold interrupt occurs, the first data has been overwritten and theFIFO stops collecting data from the input channe...

Rin by Associate
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LSM6DSRX - Repeatable noise on X axis

Hello,I'm working on a project where I use the LSM6DSRX. I have noticed that the Gyro has a strange behavior, reporting peaks on the X axis while the device is solid static. The peaks may be correlated to the temperature change but it's not clear yet...

DUT2.png DUT1.png DUT3.png
Candrian by Associate II
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H3LISD331DL Accelerometer Accuracy

Hello, I have been working on a project using the H3LISD331Dl accelerometer set at +-400g and the STM32U585OI MCU. I wish to capture the high G shocks that occur during drop testing. I have completed my project and I am just wondering how accurate th...

Actual Detection Range and FOV of STHS34PF80?

Hello everyone,I’ve been working with the STHS34PF80 sensor and would appreciate some insights regarding its detection range and field of view (FOV). In my tests, I’ve observed that the sensor detects presence effectively up to a range of about 1 met...

mobaid by Associate II
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