MEMS (sensors)

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Resolved! Sensortile in cradle is not working with microsd card

Hello all, I wanted to use sensortile to collect data on microsd card. (I have two of them) So, One portable cradle from the kit working good, but another is not working with the same microsd card. When start it from the android app the sensor just b...

Boris- by Associate
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Resolved! Oddity in Meta-classifier in LIS2DUX12

Hello,the LIS2DUX12 documentation (AN5903: LIS2DUX12: machine learning core) contains a table explaining how meta-classifier works:At the third column from the end of the table, the decision tree gives the result "A".As far as I understand, the "B" c...

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zmogas by Associate II
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Resolved! How config IIS3DWB to FIFO mode with Watermark?

Hi, I'm trying to use the IIS3DWB as FIFO mode with a watermark.I'm using a custom board. I double checked the hardware and guaranteed this board works well. I'm able to read/write the sensor using SPI interface and generate interrupt with wake-up in...

uilter by Senior
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Resolved! Are LIS2DW12 registers non-volatile?

I want to setup the wakeup configuration registers and then disconnect the accelerometer from an I2C programmer and power source. When the accelerometer is placed with the new circuit, will the configurations in the register I have set still remain? ...

Lab1tr by Associate II
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Unable to get distance measurements from VL53L3CX

I'm using an ESP32 to communicate with the VL53L3CX. I successfully reworked the vl53l3cx_platform.c file to get communication working with the sensor using I2C, which is a good start. But when I go to read from the sensor (using polling, not hardwar...

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NSack.1 by Associate
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IIS3DHHC sensor and (Extended) Kalman Filter (EKF)

Hi, I try to use IIS3DHHC as a simple inclinometer. I learnt that to get stable readings it may be a good idea to process raw data using Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). Some ST demonstrations available on YT mention that as well, but I found no source ...

TDJ by Lead
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Resolved! Implementation for MEMS1 librairi : don't work !

Hi,i am using ism330dhcx and lis2mdl on my custom board,i am able to configure and read data from accelero, gyro and magneto.i started the implementation of X-Cube-MEMS1 lib.when i compile the code, every thing is ok,but after running, when a functio...

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malarab by Senior II
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LIS2DH threshold calculation problem

Hi everyone, I want to ask about the LIS12DH threshold calculation (attached with what I think the calculation is), it is clear that when I use 4g as the scale, my calculation results are 2.5g, when I move the sensor can go above this threshold and t...

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X-CUBE-MEMS1 application Inclinometer and eCompass

Hello,      on a custom board which mounts STM32F407 CPU with LSM6DSV16XTR accelerometer+gyroscope and LIS2MDLTR magnetometer I have to implement an inclinometer and a eCompass with the maximum accuracy. Now, it is not completely clear to me how to g...

MRaff.1 by Associate III
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STM32L496ZG +MPL3115A2 interface

I am using STM32L496ZG nucleo board for interface MEMS MPL3115A2 Sensor using I2C interface . First i am scanning I2C device and find attached device too.But after scanning device whenever i tried to read Who am i register , i don't receive correct...

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RPate.4 by Associate
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