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Hello Team ST,I would like to have your guidance on setting a FSM for wrist tilt application. At the moment, we use following FSM settings as per the code here.Link:
We are thinking of using few features from x-cube-mems1 package and would like to know if it can be used for nRF9160 MCU.
Hello, there,I would like to know about the application of FSM feature of LSM6DSO sensor.I can see in the example that every embedded functions are implemented using FSM. Link:
Hello,I am currently working with LSM6DSO and FIFO functionality.When ODR is set at 52Hz, axis values are correct but when I switch to 104Hz or 208Hz, values are not consistent. I have added my sensor configuration code and image to better explanatio...
Hi, I need advise regarding my application. I can store historic data using Stream-to-FIFO mode based on single tap interrupt in buffer A. But, I cannot get data after the tap interrupt in buffer B when switching FIFO mode to Streaming mode. I believ...