2025-01-02 6:30 AM
Can someone help me how to use one interrupt pin for Activity/Inactivity and another for Free Fall detection? I need to use it in the lowest possible possible mode as my device is coin cell battery powered.
Asish Banerjee
2025-01-02 11:25 PM
2025-01-03 1:25 AM
Hello @Federica Bossi ,
I have already checked the examples in Github. In the activity and free fall examples, INT1 pin is used for both detection. Where as I am now following the following Youtube video by ST for activity/Inactivity detection and it is working as desired but current consumption is higher than the presentation showed. (1.3uA in inactive mode and around 6-7uA in active mode. Current measured with two 10k pull up resistor for SCL & SDA lines.)
Now if I increase ODR to 200Hz according to free fall detection example, active current will be again higher. Can you please suggest me how to use both detection provided I can keep the power consumption as minimum possible.
Asish Banerjee