I am using LIS2DW12 sensor i need to implement Pedometer functionality so I need to know is there any application note or any reference note for LIS2DW12
Not able to see x, y axes changing, only Z axis is changing.Activity module too is not working.Any pointers?
I am evaluating MEMS sensors using the SensorTile hardware and accompanying software (STSW-STLKT01). The toolkit has thus far been very nice. In order to move the project further I now want to port the AudioLoop example project to another MCU on a Nu...
I am currently working off of an Arduino to compute both Pitch and Roll, I do not need the Yaw axis. The application this is being done for requires arduino development so I dont have the opportunity to use a different platform.I have both the Kalman...
Hi,On the MKI196V1 webpage (https://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/steval-mki196v1.html) It says that:"Changing the resistor settings is also compatible with the STEVAL-MKI109V2 motherboard"I cannot find any documentation on which resistor changes ar...
I have seen here on this forum few questions concerning the interrupt issues, so I have the same problem, none of these previous questions have brought the answer so I wonder will this ever even work?I first copied the ST app note AN3393 page 75 Wake...
Hello,I'm using STEVAL-STLKT01V1.Then, I downloaded ST BlueNRG GUI 4.0.0, which provides these firmwares into the Firmware\BlueNRG_stack directory:bluenrg_6_4b_Mode_2-16MHz-XO32K.imgbluenrg_6_4b_Mode_2-16MHz-XO32K_HCI.imgbluenrg_6_4b_Mode_2-32MHz-XO3...
Hi, I have implemented a tilt and heading calculation using the simplified heading calculation that only works when the device is horizontal, and was until now ignoring the magnetic field value on the Z ax. Now I'm trying to implement a tilt compensa...
I am using the LIS2DH12 accelerometer in our product. I am trying to use FIFO.I have set watermark level to 10 and use fifo buffer in fifo mode.Every 1 sec I have read data from output register but every time I got same value irrespective of accelero...