Is there a drop in replacement available for this part?
If you did not have the opportunity to take part to ST Live Days event, just connect now and watch the following recorded live presentations. Here is the link: recordings are available...
Also, are there libraries or example codes that we can use in our STM32 microcontroller, for specific applications like body movement detection ?
Hello, I'm no longer able to find the X-CUBE-IKA02A1 package on the ST site. I see that the status says it's active, but the software download section states "No data available in table".Could you point me to where I can download the package, I got a...
Hi, I set the sensor to 1G scale, data rate 104 Hz, while tilting from 0 to 20-25 degrees it gives sensible readings. Over that it just always shows 1G acceleration, so 45 degree angle shows as 89.Any hints on how to fix that, or my copy might be def...
Dear ST,I am using an LSM6DSL connected to the SPI pin of AVR (ATMEGA328PB; schematic attached). The SPI line is shared by two other devices with different CS. I am having issues programming the AVR through SPI (raw board, all ICs new, 125kHz SPI cl...
I'm looking for an AMR 3-axis sensor that is stable and factory calibrated for both gain and offset, say +- 1uT, that I don't need to do any per-chip calibration.The data sheet for the LIS3MDL indicates that zero-field is +-1 gauss, so 100 uT, and ha...
I have an LIS3DH on a proprietary board using a BMD340. I am using the two inertial interrupts, I configure int1 to interrupt on any axis activity that exceeds threshold longer than duration. I don't latch the interrupt. I configure int2 to interrupt...