What can happens with parameters of this sensor if we place it into a water of swimming pools ( with any concentration of chlorine and other salts) and it stays there months and years ??? Do it need any maintenance or replacement after a period of an...
Dear Sir.I work with LSM6DSL with SPI bus ,The wiring are OK , I can read the register who_am_i.I can't makie the INT1 to work.Attached a codeint32_t lsm6dsl_orienation_config(void){ int32_t ret = true; unsigned char z;// lsm6dsl_gy_full_scale_se...
When reading the temperature from a LSM9DS1, what's the unit that is used ? Cº ?
I've check this on the scope and everything on the I2C bus looks correct, I2Cwrite of 0x0F and then repeated start to read the value. Is there ever a case where it could return 0x33?Cheers
Is it possible to pass the telemetry data from one SensorTile to another to deliver the information from big distance like one kilometer ? As I understand the maximum range for BlueNRG-MS should be about 33 meters.Is it possible to make a chain of th...
Hello,I'm working with:NUCLEO-G070RBX-NUCLEO-IKS02A1STM32CubeMXSTM32CubeIDEIs there anywhere I can find the required STM32CubeMX settings to use the various X-CUBE-MEMS1 examples? I've downloaded everything in the last week so all the versions should...