MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

I have an L475 Discovery IoT node, I want to collect sensor data from the board and save it in a text file in my laptop which is USB connected to the board. I have tried Fprint and fwrite but it doesn't seem to work.

fp=fopen("Issamos.csv","w+");   /* Infinite loop */ /* USER CODE BEGIN WHILE */ while (1) { /* USER CODE END WHILE */   /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */ temp_value = BSP_TSENSOR_ReadTemp(); int tmpInt1 = temp_value; float tmpFrac = temp_val...

IBo.1 by Associate
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Hello Friend i have a problem about vl53l0x measurement sensor. i send a error message while open the GUI.i shared a erros screen shot .What is the problem. Thank you

VL6180x offset issues

Hi,I am facing some issues related with VL6180x offset calibration (I am not using cover glass, and I have tested many sensors on breakout boards from Adafruit and Pololu).First, with default SYSRANGE__PART_TO_PART_RANGE_OFFSET value, range measureme...

RCres.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! HTS221 - datas keep being stuck in not ready state

Hello,My company is using since more than one year the HTS221 component, in several thousands of units.On really few parts, we observe that the HTS221 sensor is stuck in a not ready state: we request its status before reading its output data register...

JGreg.2 by Associate III
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