I want to read LIS2DTW12 data using SPI which is also shared with another device, can I use the LIS2DTW12 CS pin as chip select and operate devices one by one.because according to the LIS2DTW12 datasheet:State of CS1: SPI idle mode / I²C communicatio...
Hi all,I'm currently deploying hardware that can have either the LIS2HH12 or IIS2DLPCAccording to the datasheet the LIS2HH12 stores the temperature as two's complement / 11 bit / 8 digit per degrees celcius.So I convert it this way:int16_t tilt_read_...
Posted on March 01, 2018 at 11:24Hi,I am struggling with moving from the obsolete LSM303D sensor to the LSM303AGR sensor.I had the LSM303D sensor working correctly in continuous mode with the STM32F1 processor using 4 wire SPI mode.But I cannot get ...
I have a battery-based application, so I want to minimize power, by selecting the largest-valued pullup resistor on the CS pin, that will guarantee a high on the input.I cannot calculate this without knowing the maximum input leakage current on the C...
Hello, according to the datasheet for the LPS22HH, in Table 3 the temperature sensor operating range is -40C to +85C. Further down, it specifies that the temperature sensor absolute accuracy is +/- 1.5C from 0C to 80C. What is the accuracy from -40C ...
Wrote 0x40 to the CTRL1_A register, wrote 0x8C to the CFG_REG_A_M register.I was able to read the data on the accelerometer via I2C communication, but the magnetic sensor cannot read it.How do I change the "Zyxda" bit in the magnetic sensor's STATUS_...
Hello,I am writing a code to initialize the BMI055 IMU on my STM32F765. To do so I am using the HAL libraries to enable the SPI connection through DMA and the drivers provided by Bosch: bma2x2 and bmg160.The two sensors work perfectly when only one o...
Hi,I can't find any examples of using commands in the statemachines.I want to create a tilt sensor, by using 2 statemachines, 1 is monitoring x axis, the other z axis.To keep it simple i will add the code for the x axis only . This statemachine setup...
I would like to be able to use FW OTA with AlgoBuilds. Any direction you can provide would be greatly appreciated.