MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

Resolved! IIS2DH Z-axis not changing - stuck in mid value

I trying to find a solution as to why the Z-axis on the accelerometer is not responding. It is "stuck" at 0x80 for both high and low value. X- and Y-axis both work as they should. I can disable the Z-axis and it goes to 0x0. I set block update, the 3...

PJaco.11 by Associate
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Velocity calculation in IIS3DWB vibration sensor

I am trying to compute velocity from the acceleration values by configuring the my IIS3DWB vibration sensor at +-4g. The formula I am using to calculate the instantaneous velocity is V(t) = V0 + ʃa*dt.What I am experiencing right now is a drift in my...

NukulK by Associate II
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Resolved! LSM6DSR ODR not accuracy

Hi.i am using LMS6DSR ,and use ODR is 208Hz,but,i found that i can't get 208 samples at 1 secend.and,i had confirmed that it only about 203 Hz from Interrupt,i want to know is that normal? i can't find information about error of ODR in d...

Pqing.1 by Associate
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MPU6050 gyroscope not working correctly

I am using the bluepill board and was trying to compute the angle from gyroscope raw data. However, when I tilt the sensor, the angle measured doesn't change as expected. It's changing between 1.xx and 2.xx regardless of the tilt angle. The sensor is...

M7890.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! Different perofmance mode of LSM6DSO32

Hi all,I'am working with an LSM6DSO32, I read this AN5473 at page 13 and 14 we have 2 tables comparing different operating modes. I have a question for gyroscope for example if I chosse ODR 208Hz with G_HM_MODE = 1 I'am in a normal mode, and if I set...

SBaro.11 by Associate III
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