MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

Hello ST Experts , I have a stm32f745 ,which creates a single file and writes a string array in SD card using FATFS, but now I want to create multiple files which appends the PDM2PCM middleware converted PCM buffer values. from the 3 MEMS acquired?

Certain things which are unclear are :1) When I increase the size of the PDM buffer and PCM buffer say to 2000 ,4096 to collect more samples for storing to convert them into a larger file into.wav or mp3 , I find no creation of the file in SD card .T...

SG.4 by Associate II
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Resolved! LSM303dlhc Accelerometer functionality not working

Hi ,After downloading the stm32f401 disco demo .hex file to the board, the accelerometer functionality is not working after pressing the user button as per the readme instructions. It means the LSM303dlhc chip is damaged.So to confirm that, will you ...

x-nucleo-iks01a2 with motionFX library

Hello,I'm using nucleoF446RE with X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2. I read data from sensor (LSM6DSL and LSM303AGR) and with MotionFX library I get rotations, but there are some problems.At beginning, if I don't rotate the board, the z-axis rotation is different fr...

AR1 by Associate II
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I am using Sensortile/box STEVAL-MKSBOX1V1. I have connected the device using NUcleo F401RE board for realtime debugging. How I shall enable Virtual Com Port

I Have configured as shown in the picture , How should I enable the Virtual Com port,. My intention is evaluating all the sensors and push the data to Virtual COM Port. I am writing program for I2C_TempSensor - STTS22H  , for that I have configure fr...
