1. For folder en. Fp-sns-stbox1_ firmware_ For the project blesensors in v1.3.0, the existing user manual is too simple to meet the needs.Is there a more detailed code explanation, analysis and programming ideas. 2. On the premise of not using mobil...
Hi all,I have a custom board with an LSM6DSO connected to an STM32F072 on I2C.The IMU shares the I2C bus with other sensors that can communicate with the MCU without any issue, so the bus is working.The LSM6DSO instead does not reply, there was an er...
Hello every body.I am beginner in mems sensor.I am using a GY521_MPU6050 module for gyroscope sensor .when module start working it outputs all zero like bellow:Ax=0 ,Ay=0,Az=0, but temprature is 36.53 .does anyone know how can I overcome this problem...
值一直是0x80 用热风枪和制冷风扇�?�过都�?�?�
Can anyone suggest, Please Thanks in Advance
I am using STEVAL-STLKT01V1 kit for my project. i got the sensortile solered on cradle expansion. earlier i was able to configure it using stm32cubeprogrammer using readymade applications like audioLoop, etc. but now i don't know what have i done the...