data collection
How many data points are necessary to build a reliable machine learning model (with mlc)? Is there a point where adding more data no longer significantly improves the model's performance?
How many data points are necessary to build a reliable machine learning model (with mlc)? Is there a point where adding more data no longer significantly improves the model's performance?
I have to work on a project that includes an accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer. For the first two, I would like to use the LSM6DSV16X sensor, but I haven't yet chosen a magnetometer.1) Do you have any recommendations for one that would work ...
We are conducting research using 9 IIS2MDC sensors to detect the position of a magnetic material (e.g., N52 grade neodymium magnet). Since we expect the distance between the magnetic material and the sensors to be large, the sensors need to accuratel...
Posted on March 18, 2017 at 11:51Hi all,I am attempting to build a microphone array out of digital MEMS microphones and I am trying to determine if I can achieve a reasonable system on an STM32F7 microcontroller. Ideally I would like to capture the ...
Hello,I think there is two errors in the st_lsm6dsvx driver in the odr_calib calculation algo : odr_calib = (data * 37500) / 1000 :data should be casted in s8 like in other driversthe formula seems wrong according to the datasheet :Formula seems to u...
I am working on a motion sensing device currently in production using a LIS2DH12 accelerometer and want to apply machine learning to the product. This is an older part with no machine learning core (MLC) onboard so can only provide motion data to the...
I work for a company that has used this IMU for some of the new designs (we have currently assembled and tested +1000 units with ASM330LHH) and we have noticed that some of the units (around 10 %), are presenting a strange behaviour when subjecting t...
I'm doing a 4D orientation detection FSM on the ISM330BX. There is no example for this IMU so I'm following the examples for some of the other IMUs. That is fine and the code works, but what I can't work out is how to calculate the THRESH1 value and ...
Posted on May 08, 2013 at 17:40 Hi, I'm trying to configure the accelerometer on my stm32f4 discovery board. I lost with all the configuration of LIS302DL and TIM4 (example code) and do I need to configure SPI1 separately??? I si...
Hi Sir, What internal adjustments have been made to cause the noise density to differ between the high-performance, normal, and low power modes of the ISM330DHCX? Filter? Gain?Thank you.